bananas and berries

10 Good Foods to Help Lower Blood Pressure

Here are 10 foods proven to help lower blood pressure and improve overall heart health. (Disclaimer: The information in this content is for general informational purposes only, not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your lifestyle.)

colorful smoothies and fruit are not good foods for diabetic individuals

52 Foods to Avoid With Diabetes

If you’re trying to create an eating pattern that is good for your body, we have over 50 foods that you should keep off your shopping list!

30 Healthy Foods That Don't Break the Bank

Looking to eat healthier, but don't want to break the bank? Try adding some of these affordable foods to your diet!

A woman in a red sweater thinking about how to spend her tax refund

10 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

Uncover 10 clever strategies to maximize your tax refund and secure your financial future.

popular american car brands

Once Popular American Car Brands That No Longer Exist and Why

Once upon a time, nameplates like Pontiac, Studebaker and Oldsmobile graced American roads with their distinctive designs and innovative features. But what exactly happened to these iconic car brands? Here, we'll dive into 15 once-popular American car brands that no longer exist and what just happened to them…

best and worst economies

The States with the Best and Worst Economies

While some states boast thriving economies with low unemployment rates and growing GDPs, others struggle with high poverty rates and stagnant growth. Understanding the factors that contribute to these differences is critical for policymakers, business owners, and individuals looking to make informed decisions about where to live, work, and invest. Today, we're taking a look at states in the country that are struggling the most, as well as the ones that are seeing an economic boom. Is your state rolling in the dough or struggling to make ends meet? Unless stated otherwise, information from,, world population review, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Department of Health and Human Services.

jobs ai will replace

Jobs Most at Risk of Being Replaced by AI

There are some jobs that are more at risk of being replaced by AI than others. Here are the ones most in danger. 

Photo of Trucker and Customer Service Rep

10 Careers with Job Security in a Time of Crisis

If the coronavirus taught us anything, it is who and what are actually the most essential workers and jobs in our society in a time of crisis.

The Best & Worst Cities for Finding a Job This Year

The Best & Worst Cities for Finding a Job This Year

Struggling to find a new job? Location may be the problem...or just the solution!

biggest travel infrastructure projects

Biggest Travel Infrastructure Projects Around the World

In this exploration, we'll delve into some of the most monumental travel infrastructure undertakings currently underway or recently completed. These projects are pushing the boundaries of engineering and design, promising to revolutionize travel and tourism.

worst-run states in the US

The 20 Worst-Run States in the U.S., Ranked

Based on WalletHub's "Best States to Live in (2024)" report, the states ranked the worst are often plagued by issues such as poor infrastructure, lackluster healthcare, high crime rates, and struggling economies. Here, we’ll explore the ten states at the bottom of the list, highlighting the factors that contribute to their poor performance. These are the worst-run states in America!

30 Most-Endangered Buildings in the U.S.

30 Most-Endangered Buildings in the U.S.

These places in the U.S. are relics of a time gone by. If you’re nearby, you may want to stop by and take a look.

most expensive cars

The Most Expensive Cars in the World

These aren’t your typical luxury sportscars or even just performance cars; they’re SUPERCARS in every sense of the word. These cars are automotive masterpieces.

life in the 70s

Photos of What Life Looked Like in the '70s

From iconic Hollywood happenings to political events that changed the world forever, these are the moments that defined the decade. 

A shot from the classic western comedy McLintock! (1963)

The Best John Wayne Westerns, Ranked

Explore the top John Wayne Westerns, showcasing his iconic roles and timeless impact on the genre.


Best Colleges in America, Ranked

Picking the right college is a tough choice, but we suggest aiming for the stars! We hear about ivy league universities all the time, but are they the best? Well, unsurprisingly, they are really, really high up there. That being said, there are some that are pretty dang good without having a single-digit acceptance rate. We pulled the list from WalletHub, but the stats came from CollegeFactual, USNews, and Were you surprised by any of the entries on this list?

University of Chicago

31 Most Beautiful College Campuses in the U.S.

Ultimately, there are a ton of reasons to choose a beautiful campus. We pulled 31 universities that create an atmosphere that’s inviting and enhancing. You may even find reasons to wander around campus; not every student can say that. Those of who you are smart enough to gain acceptance into these schools will be begging your professors to have class outside.  

a college campus

The 31 Richest Colleges in America

Every year, universities report the amount in their endowment fund and the amount spent on research. Some are no surprise, but others? All facts and figures from The Best Schools and the university’s website. 

Mini Cooper Clubman

25 Worthless Foreign Vehicles

Everyone has their favorite cars. Foreign cars have actually begun to dominate the U.S. car market. Then, there are these 25 cars...

miles 100,000

Vehicles That Won't Make it to 100,000 Miles

This list explores vehicles that, despite their initial appeal or popularity, are unlikely to last 100,000 miles without significant repairs or costly overhauls. If you're in the market for a car or simply curious about which models to avoid, understanding these vehicles' limitations could save you from a future filled with expensive headaches!

performance cars for cheap

High Performance Cars You Can Buy Used for Cheap

While they may have a few years and miles on the odometer, many of these cars still outperform their newer, more expensive counterparts. Here are 25 high-performance cars you can buy and use for cheap!